Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Braden Boyd

Braden started kindergarten, and has done great!
(Yeah so the last day of school is two days away and I am just now blogging about the first!)  Bleh!
He has lost two teeth, one on Christmas morning (busy day over here), and the other on Easter!
We got him a puppy!  Sam.  He is cute, and they are best buddies!
He plays tee ball, his team is the Mets, and they are awesome!

And just like that he graduated kindergarten!!!!!!!  It seriously went that fast!
obviously he is too cool for school!
Braden is not quite as thrilled to be having a baby sister, again!  LOL!  He REALLY wanted a brother!  but atleast he's still KING around here, well he thinks so anyways!
He loves me!  And I'm thinkingI should do my hair like that!
and just for fun, some random Braden pictures!!!

Jansen Kate

{I apologize in advance for the randomness of the photos in this post!  I am trying to cram in about a year and a half!} {Also for the quality of some of them, my phone is what is handy a lot of the time, and so that is where my real life photos come from.  I am really going to work on taking "real life" pics with my camera!}  Thank you and have a loverly day!

Now that everyone is briefed on baby, I thought I would catch you up on the other two munchkins running around this house!  Jansen is now two in all her glory!  She really is the perfect little girl!  Sassy and sweet!  She was seriously the easiest child ever to potty train, even at night!  I pretty much did nothing but help her climb onto the potty!  I give her BFF Lilly all the credit!  She had to try and be as cool as her!  Peer pressure can sometimes work in our advantage!

She loves to dress herself and wear her Bubba's tah wahs (Star Wars) shirts!

Can't remember exactly when this happened but she fell in our bathroom and busted her two front teeth on the tile!  OUCHIE!!!!  I cried more than her!  Her teeth are completely fine, but it looks like she has been a thumb sucker!
We had her teeth fixed, but I kinda liked them better before, what do you think?

Bwahahahahahahaha!  JK!
Well because of the razor sharp teeth, we totally brought the whole breastfeeding thing to a halt!  The pacifier soon followed!  
No more baby things!  BOOOOOOOhoooooooo!!!
Well except for the crib, but we are working on that!  We are getting things ready for her baby sister, and she is going to get a big girl bed!  Yay!

She is completely excited about her baby sister and she is the one that named her "Buttons"  she even claims that she has a baby in her tummy!  A few days ago, she asks in the sweetest voice ever... " Mama, you have a baby in your tummy?" I say yes!  She said, "Why did you eat my sister?"  -Gotta love it!!!!  Of course I told her I was gonna gobble her up next!  Love her to bits!!!!!

She asks almost daily if she can go to school!  Please not yet!  But she really, really wants to go!  We may have to try a Mother's Day Out program this coming school year.

She is an artist, but we gotta watch her close!  She will color ANYTHING!!!!!  Walls, herself, a cottonball that she found on the floor, the floor itself!  Trust me, if it will stand still for a split second she will make it pretty!!!!

There is sooooooo much more that I could write about this silly girl!  I could gush on and on, but I shall spare you!  I am really going to try harder to document our everyday things, maybe even try a 52 week photo challenge!  (maybe I am just nesting!?)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

1, 2, skip a few, 99, 100!

That's pretty much how I'm about to blog!  Mind blowing isn't it???   Pretty much the only way to bring me back into the present!  About a week after Braden's 6th birthday, and Jansen being potty trained!  {WOOhoo!} we find out that there will be another baby Brunt!  What!?!  Completely mind blowing isn't it!  Seriously, it took us a long time to process this!  It's not so much that I didn't want another baby, buuuuuut I didn't want another baby!  Ahahahaha!  Atleast I can joke about it now!  and good thing for my whole 10 followers that I didn't blog that drama!  Whew, trust me, there was a lot of self pity going on, not to mention morning sickness!

After we were almost recovered from the shock of baby "Buttons" as she has been named, we told the rest of our family.  On Christmas day no less!  We told them with a nifty Christmas card!

On February 1st, we found out for sure that baby Buttons was indeed a baby girl!  Poor Daddy!  
Atleast I can justify all the girly things I buy for Jansen!  Now we can use them twice!  Yay!  

So that pretty much sums up the pregnancy part of my life!  I am now 32 or 33 weeks!  I can't really keep up with that part!  (I barely can keep up with my age!  And it's measured in years!)  We are just counting down the days til we meet Buttons in person and give her a real name!